Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Why I Choose My Project

            One hot summer afternoon will I was watching my little sister play a softball game, me and my brothers began talking about Eagle Scout Projects that we were looking for. Before that day we had visited numerous organizations including the City Hall, Fish and Wildlife, museums, etc… with no luck we just went through the same thing writing our names and numbers on a piece of paper for them to look at later. That’s when it hit me! I began thinking about the boys` baseball fields over at City Park. They were nice, accessible, had plenty of shade, and could hold a multitude of people. The girls’ softball fields on the other hand were very ghetto, desolate, and did not stop the weather at all. It could rain, blow, or just blaze hot around you, but you would still have little protection there. Then as I looked around I also noticed the field my sister was playing on didn’t even have a scoreboard. It didn’t stop there, in between the first and second fields there was a very run down partial fence around a playground with some dead trees.
            I knew what my project would be immediately. When I explained to my parents the project they didn’t think I would be able to do it, let alone start with a few thousand dollars needed. I convinced them after a conversation about donations they agreed. We immediately left to go find people to donate. We went around to twelve people from our unit and collected $3,000. After that I went to lumber store to get bids, Bloedorn Lumber was the best for a new six foot chain-link fence. We were able to buy it using the donations and some of my own money as well.

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